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Server started; please wait for map to refresh.
Chris has connected.
Chris is disconnected.
Chris has connected.
Chris: put me in as a dm for some reason
DM: your token is out of date; the most recent version deleted itself
Chris: dafuq
Chris: did i level up to 4?
Chris: if not, this should still be accurate, just probably with more hp
DM: naw, you are still three I think
Chris: actually, i think i fully healed
Inspector Goodfellow has connected.
Inspector Goodfellow: haHA
Chris: see the map?
Inspector Goodfellow: lol no
Chris: curses.
Inspector Goodfellow: I did find someone who may be able to help
Inspector Goodfellow: so maybe next time?
Chris: hope springs eternal
Inspector Goodfellow: myess
DM: who knows the awsome knowledge?
Inspector Goodfellow: someone up here who is a CS major and uses this program successfully
Adam has connected.
DM: but... I'm a CS major, and I use it successfully...
Inspector Goodfellow: yeah but you aren't HERE
Inspector Goodfellow: and yes, we got it to work
Inspector Goodfellow: as a chat client
Inspector Goodfellow: just a sec I have to move my car.
DM: ok
DM: so you two are fully aware of the tech change?
Adam: So the whole alternating current plot point is out the window?
DM: no. That says
Chris: don't think i was ever told the minutiae of it, but we're civil war era so probably 1-round base reload for guns
DM: The Macharians are now 1890s in science, 1860s in weapons technology
Adam: We have cannons?
DM: Yes
Inspector Goodfellow: ok
DM: It's been decided that guns aren't that important to a society that never fights tradional wars against other mortals
DM: they need creative solutions to their enviorment
Adam: What about hand cannons?
DM: You mean guns?
Inspector Goodfellow: yeah do they have revolvers?
DM: Revolvers do exsist, but none of you have acsess to them. They are still pretty new
Adam: awww
DM: All of your firearms work like before, but require a full-round action to reload
Inspector Goodfellow: and singleshot?
DM: Yup
DM: Again, any re-specing you want to do is totally ok
Inspector Goodfellow: Ok, time to main a stick I found on the ground.
Inspector Goodfellow: nah, when we get to a revolver I'll take it.
Inspector Goodfellow: with penalties I'm sure but I'm to lazy to respec atm
DM: No, if you get your hands on a revolver you can use it just like a normal pistol
DM: Anyhow, who is ready to continue?
Chris: i
Adam: I
Inspector Goodfellow: i
DM: Adam, was that an i or an L?
Adam: it was an I
Adam: |
Adam: i
DM: ok, good
DM: We continue where we left off
DM: Where you had just let the owner leave, remember?
Inspector Goodfellow: chris can I screenshare?
Inspector Goodfellow: Ok in character now unless I use parenthesis
Chris: you have google+?
Inspector Goodfellow: I may
Inspector Goodfellow: (i may)
DM: Google +: they threw so many features on it, you can now use it for anything except social networking
Adam: and I love it.
DM: Yeah, untill it changed my Youtube comments to using my real name...
DM: but anyhow, can we start this?
Inspector Goodfellow: Well... I'm stumped
Inspector Goodfellow: WHich is legitimately surprising since I'm usually quite good at this.
Adam: give us a minute.
Inspector Goodfellow: (I'm Zachary Olivos since I can't find you)
Chris: i am almost in full 'fuck this' mode with regards to google+
DM: What is Adam trying to do with it?
Chris: create a hangout
Chris: or rather use voicechat
Chris: but still
DM: you could just use skype
Inspector Goodfellow: yup
Chris: thats what im sayin
Adam: you cant screenshare in a group call with skype.
DM: true, but you can see the map, Adam
Adam: but can max?
DM: ?
Inspector Goodfellow: I can't
Inspector Goodfellow: but I'm going off of chris'
Adam: yeah, you just gotta join our google+ call.
Chris: got him on skype
Chris: google+would probably be better but this works perfectly fine
Adam: alright. works for me.
Adam: I'm ready.
DM: well, someone start
Chris: and he's forzen
Inspector Goodfellow is disconnected.
Inspector Goodfellow is disconnected.
Inspector Goodfellow has connected.
Inspector Goodfellow: Any ideas on what to do
Ignatius Stendatem: Where does our last clue lead?
Inspector Goodfellow: Down the street.
Inspector Goodfellow: though I'd suggest we search the bar more thoroughly
Inspector Goodfellow: excuse me
Inspector Goodfellow: tavern
Ignatius Stendatem: sounds right up your alley.
Inspector Goodfellow: As much as I wish that were one of my character flaws, I don't drink on the job
Inspector Goodfellow: ok
Inspector Goodfellow: *I enter the tavern*
Inspector Goodfellow: *gather information /roll 1d20
* Inspector Goodfellow rolls: 1d20 => 20
Inspector Goodfellow: +2
Inspector Goodfellow: 22
DM: alright, what exactly are you asking about?
Inspector Goodfellow: Uh... whatever progresses the plot?
Inspector Goodfellow: I'm letting Pelor take the wheel of my dialogue options
DM: Come on guys. I put the effort in to make a plot that isn't a straight line, and all you do is this?
Inspector Goodfellow: ok fine...
Inspector Goodfellow: uh...
Inspector Goodfellow: (I honestly don't know how to move forward is all)
Constance Stendatem: (do you know how long it's been since we had a session? can hardly remember jack)
Inspector Goodfellow: (any suggestions)
DM: Ok, in review of what you know:
DM: A bomb has been placed on the train Ignatious was riding on. Constance said that she had been told it was a murder plot, and possibly cult related.
DM: The ordos manoustra detected daemonic wards on Ignatious and Keyvn, but not on constance.
DM: A copy of the compendium was found in a box owned by ignatious, containing two letters.
DM: One was adressed to his father, suggesting he come to this address.
Inspector Goodfellow: Ok, I'm going to ask about that demon lord that owned the building
Inspector Goodfellow: I remember that
DM: You mean the daemon that the owner bought it from?
Inspector Goodfellow: yeah
DM: that was a joke
Inspector Goodfellow: oh
Inspector Goodfellow: I thouht you were serious
Inspector Goodfellow: I'll ask if anyhing unusual has happened around town
Inspector Goodfellow: cult activity etc
DM: Someone has heard rumors about a suspicious gathering occuring tomorrow night, but they don't seem to know any other details
Inspector Goodfellow: OH
Inspector Goodfellow: Is there anything connecting that to this case?
DM: That's your job, inspector
Inspector Goodfellow: (I share my information with the group)
Inspector Goodfellow: what do you all think?
Constance Stendatem: Beats trekking all the way off to Fort Highpeak.
Inspector Goodfellow: Are you sure Constance?
Inspector Goodfellow: I know that your ex-husband was important to you
Constance Stendatem: Highpeak's a long journey, and whatever happened to him may involve facing daemons ourselves, which I'm in no hurry to do.
Ignatius Stendatem: I *would* like to have a word with him eventually.
Ignatius Stendatem: And fighting daemons seems like a nice way to blow off some steam.
Constance Stendatem: Besides, Highpeak will (probably) still be there a few days from now. We may only ge tone chance at this lead.
Ignatius Stendatem: You're right about that.
Ignatius Stendatem: We'll have to do something to kill time until then, though.
Inspector Goodfellow: I can ask about staying at the tavern
Inspector Goodfellow: the owner may just be scared enough of us to let us stay
DM: you had already checked into a hotel
Inspector Goodfellow: wait
Inspector Goodfellow: no that is an awful idea
Inspector Goodfellow: I want to stay the night in the tavern though
Ignatius Stendatem: \Yeah, we already checked into the hotel.
Inspector Goodfellow: in my experience, occasionally daemonic activity becomes stronger at night
Inspector Goodfellow: you all can go back to the inn.
Inspector Goodfellow: If you so wish that is.
Ignatius Stendatem: divide and conquer, I suppose.
Inspector Goodfellow: i will stay and... see what happens
Inspector Goodfellow: this house has played a role in unnatural arts before
Inspector Goodfellow: I'm reluctant to dismiss it entirely.
Inspector Goodfellow: have a good night you two
Ignatius Stendatem: Oh. I think we will.
Inspector Goodfellow: Yes, see, I didn't need to...
Inspector Goodfellow: *sigh
Constance Stendatem: Ahem.
DM: alright then, you part ways?
Inspector Goodfellow: I think so
Ignatius Stendatem: (yup.)
Constance Stendatem: (aye)
Inspector Goodfellow: (yup)
DM: ok, you two lovebirds go find a building to make the hotel, at least two blocks away
DM: put your tokens there
Inspector Goodfellow: (I'd like to make it a character choice that every time I forget to put my out of character stuff in parenthesis Goodfellow just announces things to himself)
DM: done
Inspector Goodfellow: (YES)
DM: So how do you go about staying at the tavern?
Inspector Goodfellow: I get jovial with the bar regulars
Inspector Goodfellow: or try to
Inspector Goodfellow: screw sitting in the corner sketchily
Constance Stendatem: (brb)
Inspector Goodfellow: (though I use sleight of hanbd to water down my alcohol)
Inspector Goodfellow: (And yes, I announced that by accident)
Inspector Goodfellow: (Fortunately I'm still outside)
Inspector Goodfellow: (I enter and do that)
DM: ok.
DM: The bar's events seem to go on unaltered, but the owner is no longer here. The singer glances at you often through the night
DM: Do you stay untill closing?
Inspector Goodfellow: Yes, but I eye the singer as well subtly
Inspector Goodfellow: also using sense motive
* Inspector Goodfellow rolls: 1d20 + 2 => 5 + 2 = 7
DM: are you still attempting to mingle?
Inspector Goodfellow: yes
Inspector Goodfellow: (I announced all of this)
Inspector Goodfellow: (Well, let's cheat and say I mumbled)
DM: ok
DM: make a bluff check at a -4 to be subtle
Constance Stendatem: (back)
* Inspector Goodfellow rolls: 1d20 +7 => 1 + 7 = 8
Patron: Hey, are you Inspecter Goodfellow?
Inspector Goodfellow: No, You aren't the first person to ask me that. Who is he?
* Inspector Goodfellow rolls: 1d20 + 7 => 3 + 7 = 10
* DM rolls: 1d20-1 => 17 - 1 = 16
Patron: Stop trying to lie to me, you are that guy!
Inspector Goodfellow: Ma'am, I don't know what you are talking about
DM: She gives you a disbeliving look.
Patron: What, are you "under cover"?
Inspector Goodfellow: Excuse me fellows.
Inspector Goodfellow: *I leave the bar with the lady*
Inspector Goodfellow: (I announced that as well)
DM: make a charisma check to leave with a girl after two sentances
Inspector Goodfellow: (NOT THAT WAY)
DM: ohh
DM: ok
Inspector Goodfellow: (lol)
Inspector Goodfellow: (I go outside with her)
Inspector Goodfellow: Ma'am, how do you know me?
Patron: Your face was in the newspaper the other day. You are quite famous, you know.
Inspector Goodfellow: For what?
Inspector Goodfellow: I didn't do anything yesterday
Inspector Goodfellow: Sigh,
Inspector Goodfellow: I knew I should have trained in disguise more.
Inspector Goodfellow: (I actually SAY sigh I guess...)
Patron: Sorry, should I just pretend I didn't recognise you?
Inspector Goodfellow: well it is a bit late for THAT.
Inspector Goodfellow: It is alright. Don't worry about it, I was done here anyway
Patron: Ok.
Inspector Goodfellow: well
Inspector Goodfellow: Can I ask you a question?
Patron: Sure.
Inspector Goodfellow: Have you heard anything about a meeting tomorrow?
Patron: Meeting of what?
Inspector Goodfellow: That's just it.
Inspector Goodfellow: No one seems to know.
Patron: Sorry inspector
Inspector Goodfellow: it is alright
Inspector Goodfellow: be safe now, do you hear?
Patron: Ok,
Inspector Goodfellow: (as soon as she leaves I try to disguise myself)
Inspector Goodfellow: (I curse, and head back to the hotel)
DM: Ok.
DM: Meanwhile, in the hotel nothing happens, but if you guys want to RP, feel free.
Inspector Goodfellow: (I stop at the door to our room, and listen to see if I'm sexiled)
Ignatius Stendatem: (We make passionate love all over the hotel room.)
Inspector Goodfellow: (Oh you asshole)
Inspector Goodfellow: Well, I guess I'm going to sleep in the common room.
Inspector Goodfellow: (And I just announced that)
Inspector Goodfellow: (whoops_
Ignatius Stendatem: (All. Over. The hotel room.)
Inspector Goodfellow: (Not my TOOTHBRUSH!)
Ignatius Stendatem: (Especially your toothbrush.)
Inspector Goodfellow: (NOOOOO)
DM: guys....
Ignatius Stendatem: (anyway.)
Inspector Goodfellow: I try to disguise myself
* Inspector Goodfellow rolls: 1d20 => 5
DM: You only roll once someone tries to see though it
Inspector Goodfellow: I also wear my cloak over my face
Inspector Goodfellow: (And announced)
Inspector Goodfellow: (Best quirk I unintentionally made)
DM: So much for a straght faced game...
Inspector Goodfellow: (sorry, i just mumbled it)
Ignatius Stendatem: (even shakespeare has comedic relief.)
Ignatius Stendatem: (is it still night?)
DM: It's still about 11:00pm, unless we are skipping untill after the sex
DM: In which case, it's 11:03
Inspector Goodfellow: (OOOOOOOH)
Ignatius Stendatem: (buurrn)
Inspector Goodfellow: (I go around the tavern again around midnight)
Inspector Goodfellow: (Actually)
DM: Just curious, are you not here, Chris, or are you just avoiding this?
Inspector Goodfellow: (at midnight exactly)
Constance Stendatem: (latter)
DM: kk
DM: You return to the tavern, to find that the singer is now serving the drinks
DM: make your disguise check
* Inspector Goodfellow rolls: 1d20+2 => 9 + 2 = 11
* DM rolls: 1d20+1 => 16 + 1 = 17
Inspector Goodfellow: (I also have my cloak over my face
Inspector Goodfellow: )
DM: ok
DM: The room is the same as it was before, with a few less patrons. The night is winding down here, and you can feel the energy fading
Inspector Goodfellow: (Does disguise change my voice too?)
Inspector Goodfellow: (Or would that be something different)
DM: No, that's bluff
Inspector Goodfellow: (Each time or just the first?)
DM: Each time. Voice disguise is not easy
Inspector Goodfellow: (Ok)
Inspector Goodfellow: Could I get an ale?
* Inspector Goodfellow rolls: 1d20 +7 => 16 + 7 = 23
Inspector Goodfellow: bluff
Inspector Goodfellow: Boo Yah
Signer: Sure. 15 cents.
Inspector Goodfellow: (Announced. FUCK)
DM: Also, the macharians use a dollor system. 1gp=1 dollar
Inspector Goodfellow: here you go, sir.
* Inspector Goodfellow rolls: 1d20 +7 => 4 + 7 = 11
Signer: Thank you. Enjoy your night.
* Inspector Goodfellow rolls: 1d20 +7 => 8 + 7 = 15
Inspector Goodfellow: "any good tales tonight?"
Signer: I'm not a story teller.
Inspector Goodfellow: Excuse me, did anything interesting happen?
* Inspector Goodfellow rolls: 1d20 +7 => 15 + 7 = 22
DM: He looks at you with a deep mistrust, and shakes his head slowly.
Inspector Goodfellow: What's your problem, boy?
* Inspector Goodfellow rolls: 1d20 +7 => 7 + 7 = 14
Signer: Nothing, officer.
Inspector Goodfellow: You think you are clever don't you?
* Inspector Goodfellow rolls: 1d20 +7 => 15 + 7 = 22
Signer: Look, I don't know what happened to Clark, and I don't want to know. But I didn't do anything wrong.
Inspector Goodfellow: Oh, is that why you were mad at me?
Inspector Goodfellow: Clark is fine. He's
Inspector Goodfellow: uh
Inspector Goodfellow: somewhere?
Inspector Goodfellow: Point is I didn't do anything to him.
Inspector Goodfellow: He's very easily frightened though
Inspector Goodfellow: I guess I have an intimidating presence or something
Inspector Goodfellow: sorry.
Inspector Goodfellow: When he gets back could you give him this money from me?
Inspector Goodfellow: (leave a silver)
Inspector Goodfellow: along with my deepest apologies.
Signer: Ok.
Inspector Goodfellow: You had an excellent voice earlier tonight
Inspector Goodfellow: well
Inspector Goodfellow: and now
Inspector Goodfellow: but you know what I mean
Signer: Ok.
* Inspector Goodfellow rolls: 1d20 +2 => 1 + 2 = 3
Inspector Goodfellow: sense motive
Inspector Goodfellow: is a difficult trait to develop
Inspector Goodfellow: I have a keen sense of people
DM: He's moody, but he isn't lieing
Signer: What do you want?
Inspector Goodfellow: I want to know what happened here, and if there is anything unusual about this tavern.
Inspector Goodfellow: You work here, and if you need my help for anything
Inspector Goodfellow: well, I'm good at fixing things
Inspector Goodfellow: and I feel bad about Clark
Inspector Goodfellow: so let me do you a favor?
Signer: I'd rather stay out of trouble, officer.
Inspector Goodfellow: Well, goodbye then Signer.
Inspector Goodfellow: (Is that his name, or was it a typo. If the latter, sorry.)
DM: No, that's just all you know him as.
DM: The singing guy
Inspector Goodfellow: oh ok
DM: Anyhow, you leave?
Inspector Goodfellow: Yes I'm leaving now!
Inspector Goodfellow: Goodbye
DM: Any other late-night shnanigins?
DM: Take that as a no?
Constance Stendatem: (evidently we're boring)
DM: I gave you two a chance to RP, and you turned it down
Constance Stendatem: (we'll probably do so once our plots porgress a little)
DM: that's fair
DM: I just want to know if anyone does anything before morning
Inspector Goodfellow: Nope
Constance Stendatem: (negative)
DM: ok
DM: it's next morning. What do you guys do?
Ignatius Stendatem: I'm going to get some breakfast. want anything?
Constance Stendatem: Some not-yak bacon would be nice.
Inspector Goodfellow: *Mmf*bagell
DM: Not much besides yak grows in the north
Constance Stendatem: (of all the things to remember)
Ignatius Stendatem: I'll see what I can find.
Ignatius Stendatem: (does this hotel have a kitchen or will I need to go to a market?)
DM: No, you will need to go to the market. It's not that great a hotel
DM: this is a small village, after all
Ignatius Stendatem: (cool)
Ignatius Stendatem: ( I do that.
Ignatius Stendatem: )
DM: Do you two wait around?
Inspector Goodfellow: nope
Constance Stendatem: (let's stalk him on his way to market. why not?)
DM: because stalking is weird?
Constance Stendatem: (bah)
Inspector Goodfellow: yeah I'll let someone else have an adventure I was out late getting nowhere on the case
Inspector Goodfellow: I think I might be bad luck
DM: actually, you guys get the fun bit this time (sorry Adam)
Ignatius Stendatem: (l)
Ignatius Stendatem: (k)
DM: You are waiting around in your hotel room when you here a knock on the door.
Inspector Goodfellow: wait
Inspector Goodfellow: *check under the door with a mirror
DM: Did you get a mirror when you bought equipment?
Constance Stendatem: (mutters) Let me guess, another mysterious telegram.
Inspector Goodfellow: yup
Inspector Goodfellow: small steel mirror
DM: ok
DM: You see the lower half of an armored man.
Constance Stendatem: (whispers) What do you see?
Inspector Goodfellow: *whisper* The lower half of an armored man. suit up quietly and pretend to be afraid of opening the door.
Inspector Goodfellow: (grab my rifle)
Inspector Goodfellow: (slip into my chainshirt)
Inspector Goodfellow: (etc.)
Constance Stendatem: (I grab my pistol and rapier. I put the rapier on my belt.
Constance Stendatem: (and hide the pistol behind my back wehn I open the door)
Officer Septum: Good morning.
Inspector Goodfellow: Oh!
Constance Stendatem: Oh. I thought you were someone else.
Officer Septum: And I you. What is this I hear about an arrest at a nightclub?
Constance Stendatem: There was no arrest.
Inspector Goodfellow: A small miscommunication maybe.
Officer Septum: Hmm?
Inspector Goodfellow: and that wasn't a nightclub
Inspector Goodfellow: I...
Inspector Goodfellow: may have...
Inspector Goodfellow: intimidated a suspicious character.
Constance Stendatem: And then said character may have run.
Inspector Goodfellow: And then said character gave us relevant information.
Inspector Goodfellow: ...kind of
Officer Septum: About what, may I ask?
Inspector Goodfellow: a case I'm working on.
Inspector Goodfellow: PI's have a code about this sort of thing.
Inspector Goodfellow: rest assured, it is in keeping with the Ordos tenets
DM: Ignatious returns at this time
Constance Stendatem: That I can attest to.
Officer Septum: Well, do you have a code about not scaring your butler witless?
Inspector Goodfellow: I don't have a butler
Inspector Goodfellow: I WISH I had a butler.
Officer Septum: Well, I can assure you he was quick to assume the worst over these two days.
Officer Septum: Good man though.
Constance Stendatem: Oops.
Inspector Goodfellow: Oh
Inspector Goodfellow: YOUR butler
Inspector Goodfellow: he has food right?
Inspector Goodfellow: or money to buy food?
Inspector Goodfellow: wait what am I saying
Officer Septum: Yes. We went shopping together and everything. He was afraid the worms would get him.
Inspector Goodfellow: well, give him my best.
Constance Stendatem: I have a hard time picturing that.
Ignatius Stendatem: Oh, hello, officer.
Officer Septum: Good morning.
Ignatius Stendatem: Is there a problem?
Officer Septum: Just came for a checkup
Ignatius Stendatem: oh, very well.
Ignatius Stendatem: I do apologize for vanishing like that.
Ignatius Stendatem: we kind of got swept up in the moment.
Inspector Goodfellow: You certainly found us quickly!
Officer Septum: You couldn't have gone far, could you?
Constance Stendatem: We could have hopped a train to the other side of our territory by now.
Officer Septum: Ahh, but then I wouldn't have heard this little rumor about an arrest here, would I?
Inspector Goodfellow: Rumors travel quickly
Officer Septum: When it's your job to spot them, of course they do.
Constance Stendatem: Yet, as we've said, there was no arrest.
Officer Septum: Good to hear. I suppose there is no mess to clean up then.
Inspector Goodfellow: Nope.
Inspector Goodfellow: (*whistles awkwardly)
Constance Stendatem: And let's keep it that way.
Inspector Goodfellow: (Seriously this guys like a fourth wheel)
Officer Septum: Any news about your case, inspector?
Inspector Goodfellow: Not really
Inspector Goodfellow: It's been very dry to be honest.
Inspector Goodfellow: I'm usually quite good at this. I must be getting old.
Officer Septum: You don't get to say you are old untill your my age.
Officer Septum: Well, anything else?
Constance Stendatem: Nope. Have a nice day.
Officer Septum: Good day.
DM: He marches off
Inspector Goodfellow: How well do you know that officer>
Constance Stendatem: Not well at all. And frankly, I'm not sure I trust him. He seems almost like he's hiding something.
Inspector Goodfellow: Just a moment.
Inspector Goodfellow: (I go to follow him)
* Inspector Goodfellow rolls: 1d20 +9 => 4 + 9 = 13
Ignatius Stendatem: I got breakfast.
Inspector Goodfellow: (move silently
DM: how you like dem eggs?
Constance Stendatem: (i have a bad feeling about this)
DM: Septum is walking down the street
Inspector Goodfellow: I follow discreetly
Inspector Goodfellow: (announced)
DM: Ok, I'm not playing allong with that, you are messing up too much
DM: you aren't insane
Inspector Goodfellow: (No, but maybe I'm just dramatic)
Inspector Goodfellow: (It's okay though, just when it makes sense)
Inspector Goodfellow: (Sometimes ignore, sometimes don't)
DM: Sorry, nobody stalks someone while shouting, "I follow Discreetly!"
DM: You don't get very far before a villager approaches him
Butler: Sir, are you Ordos?
Inspector Goodfellow: (I don't yell it but I may whisper it to myself)
Officer Septum: Yes, why?
Inspector Goodfellow: Well, this is interesting...
Inspector Goodfellow: (whispered)
Butler: A Xenos has wandered into town.
Officer Septum: It just, walked in?
Butler: He sir, and yes. He seems... confused
Officer Septum: Please tell me you didn't approach it
Butler: I didn't, but some kids-
Officer Septum: Let's move!
Butler: I'll lead.
Inspector Goodfellow: *I follow*
Constance Stendatem: Yak bacon again?
DM: you want to RP the yak bacon?
DM: I mean, I won't stop you...
Constance Stendatem: (that was just kind of a 'meanwhile...' thing)
DM: Ok.
Inspector Goodfellow: (Can I throw my acid flask at the window of the hotel to get their attention or are we too far away?)
Inspector Goodfellow: (or a rock)
DM: You went around the corner, so you could have attempted it them
DM: make an attack roll
Inspector Goodfellow: (for what?)
* Inspector Goodfellow rolls: 1d20 => 19
DM: the window has AC5, but it's a -4 improv penalty, and 2 increments away
Inspector Goodfellow: +dex
DM: but you still hit the window
Inspector Goodfellow: +4
DM: ok, you two hear a thunk
Constance Stendatem: Hm?
Constance Stendatem: (I look out the window for the cause)
DM: You see a figure dash out of your sight
Inspector Goodfellow: *waving hands, finger to lips, waving down/follow sign*
Constance Stendatem: Looks like it's adventure time again.
Ignatius Stendatem: Oh boy.
Inspector Goodfellow: (If only they'd let my show them hand signals)
DM: Sadly, you quickly lose the group (you have to get outside first), but you will find your way to the commotion eventually
DM: back to the inspector
DM: The Xenos is not exactly what you expected. He is a stocky man, about 5'6" tall, in tattered clothing weilding a greataxe. He sports an untamed mess of facial hair, and seems shocked. He stands by two children and an old lady, all of whom seem mearly curious at this sight.
Officer Septum: Speak, Xenos!
DM: The stranger mutters in a forign tounge
Officer Septum: Who are you?
Inspector Goodfellow: (Do I recognize the language?)
DM: No
Inspector Goodfellow: (OK)
Stranger: I to... I, too have been saved by the wishmaster.
Officer Septum: You what?
Inspector Goodfellow: (I ready my flask of acid)
Inspector Goodfellow: (If only I had a pistol istead of a giant rifle I could discreetly ready)
DM: pistols are still in the game, they are just mostly single-shot
Inspector Goodfellow: (Yeah, but I don't have one)
DM: ok
Inspector Goodfellow: (I bought just a rifle, not thinking about size, etc)
Stranger: There, you will be saved
Officer Septum: Contact the local police. Stay away from this one for your own safety.
DM: The others leave
DM: at this point, the other players show up
Inspector Goodfellow: (I discreetly watch to see what Septim will do)
Constance Stendatem: (I ready my pistol and line up a shot, but do not act)
DM: who are you aiming at?
Constance Stendatem: (xeno)
Stranger: Fear not, you are saved!
DM: the Xenos clutches his head, as if he had a headache
Inspector Goodfellow: (Oh SHIT)
Ignatius Stendatem: (whisper) Doesn't look like he wants to fight.
Inspector Goodfellow: Oh SHIT
Inspector Goodfellow: *whispered*
Constance Stendatem: (either he's about to cast, or something REALLY bad is about to happen)
Adam is disconnected.
Adam has connected.
DM: Septum mearly stands and watches, one hand on each of his weapons
Inspector Goodfellow: Septum, I've got your back.
Inspector Goodfellow: (step out with my rifle ready)
Officer Septum: What the?
Inspector Goodfellow: Heard the commotion.
DM: the stranger bolts
DM: roll init
Inspector Goodfellow: Should have known you'd be here first
* Inspector Goodfellow rolls: 1d20 + 4 => 20 + 4 = 24
* DM rolls: 1d20+3 => 20 + 3 = 23
* DM rolls: 1d20+1 => 11 + 1 = 12
Inspector Goodfellow: HAHA
* Adam rolls: 1d20+3 => 2 + 3 = 5
DM: and you, Chris?
* Chris rolls: 1d20+2 => 15 + 2 = 17
DM: ok, go inspector
Inspector Goodfellow: I shoot at his leg.
DM: you lack LOS
DM: are you screensharing
Inspector Goodfellow: oh I can't see
DM: guys, screenshare!
Chris: WE ARE
Inspector Goodfellow: ok
Inspector Goodfellow: I'll move to the corner
Inspector Goodfellow: and then shoot at his leg
DM: it's 5ft too far
Inspector Goodfellow: ok double move I guess
Inspector Goodfellow: unless I can throw caltrops
Inspector Goodfellow: but he's way too far
DM: You don't throw them as much as you drop them
Inspector Goodfellow: ok
DM: Septum gives chase
Officer Septum: Stop him!
Inspector Goodfellow: Hey I double moved as close to him as I could get
Inspector Goodfellow: not just to the corner
DM: ok, there
Inspector Goodfellow: ok
Constance Stendatem: (brb)
DM: but you are next
DM: dangit
Adam: (he deffers)
DM: ok
Adam: (so I'm next?)
DM: yup
Adam: done
DM: interesting choice
Constance Stendatem: (back)
DM: yur turn
Constance Stendatem: (double move
DM: inspector
Inspector Goodfellow: Shoot his leg now?
DM: ok. We don't have rules for that though
DM: we have been working on them for years
Inspector Goodfellow: hmmm...
Inspector Goodfellow: 3/4 movement on hit, 1/2 on crit?
Inspector Goodfellow: = damage
Inspector Goodfellow: - to hit
DM: What the hell?
DM: -8 to hit a moving leg
Inspector Goodfellow: thats me making them up
Inspector Goodfellow: ok
Inspector Goodfellow: I'm moving as close as I can first
Inspector Goodfellow: ok
* Inspector Goodfellow rolls: 1d20 +4 => 2 + 4 = 6
Inspector Goodfellow: FUCK
DM: you put a hole in the wall behind him instead
Inspector Goodfellow: dammit
Inspector Goodfellow: ok
DM: OK, adam
Adam: done
DM: ok, then... Chris
Constance Stendatem: (done)
DM: Ok, inspector's turn
DM: inspector?
DM: ...anyone?
Inspector Goodfellow: sry
Inspector Goodfellow: ok
Inspector Goodfellow: I'll move as close as I can and reload
DM: full-round
Inspector Goodfellow: fine I'll move as close as I can and throw my acid flask, yelling "Take cover!"
* Inspector Goodfellow rolls: 1d20 +7 => 14 + 7 = 21
Inspector Goodfellow: bluff
DM: wait, are you pretending to throw it?
Inspector Goodfellow: Oh I was confused about how far as he was
Inspector Goodfellow: I'm trying to scare the guy into thinking it is more than just a mild acid
DM: ahh
DM: you fail
DM: it's 8 increments away as well, too far for a successful throw
Inspector Goodfellow: no but thats what I meant
Inspector Goodfellow: I didn't see how far he was.
Inspector Goodfellow: I'll double move instead
DM: alright then
DM: the Xenos double moves
Officer Septum: I'll never catch him!
DM: Adam's turn
Ignatius Stendatem: What do you want us to do, Septum?
Officer Septum: I don't know
DM: Chris
Constance Stendatem: (well shit, i can only double move)
DM: alright, well he gets a full run action on next turn, so you lost the guy
Officer Septum: Who was that?
Ignatius Stendatem: Beats me.
Constance Stendatem: Not a bloody clue.
Officer Septum: Well, I can't let it go free...
Constance Stendatem: And you can't catch it, either.
Inspector Goodfellow: *Yelling obscenities in the distance*
Inspector Goodfellow: I am so sick of this town
Inspector Goodfellow: All people do is run
Inspector Goodfellow: I'm as cowardly as the next fellow but... ARGH
Officer Septum: Speaking of you, how did you get here so fast?
Officer Septum: Weren't you all just eating?
Ignatius Stendatem: About to, anyway.
Constance Stendatem: I don't much care for yak bacon.
Inspector Goodfellow: commotion
Inspector Goodfellow: heard about a Xenos
Inspector Goodfellow: as you know, relevant to my cases generally
DM: bluff checks, yall
* Chris rolls: 1d20+10 => 7 + 10 = 17
* Inspector Goodfellow rolls: 1d20 +7 => 8 + 7 = 15
Officer Septum: Well, I have my buisness to attend to.
Officer Septum: Good day.
DM: he leaves
DM: now what do yall do?
Constance Stendatem: Back to yak bacon, I guess. :\
Inspector Goodfellow: Screw that
Inspector Goodfellow: I'll be damned if I'm letting him get away.
Inspector Goodfellow: come on
Constance Stendatem: We're catching him how?
Ignatius Stendatem: We have horses.
Inspector Goodfellow: Yes
Inspector Goodfellow: and people notice Xeni
Inspector Goodfellow: HEY
Inspector Goodfellow: YOU AT THE WINDOWS
Inspector Goodfellow: WHERE'D HE GO
voice: Into the hills.
Inspector Goodfellow: Thank you!
DM: You ride out?
Ignatius Stendatem: (sure)
Inspector Goodfellow: first, I'm purchasing a hand-axe
Inspector Goodfellow: or something
Inspector Goodfellow: what can I get in this small town
DM: you can buy any mundane weapon here
DM: nothing wrong with a brace of pistols
Inspector Goodfellow: I'm not trained in hand axes though
Inspector Goodfellow: may do that.
DM: if only you had the money...
Inspector Goodfellow: do they have revolvers?
Constance Stendatem: (knives. get knives.)
Inspector Goodfellow: I'll trade in bessie
Inspector Goodfellow: (that's my rifle)
Inspector Goodfellow: for two pistols.
Inspector Goodfellow: plus I'm famous, that adds value to it.
DM: Just be aware that all the time you spend shopping is time for the trail to grow cold
Inspector Goodfellow: god darn it
Inspector Goodfellow: ok
Inspector Goodfellow: just knives
Inspector Goodfellow: knives all around
Inspector Goodfellow: I have 5 gp
Inspector Goodfellow: I can get two
Inspector Goodfellow: and I do
DM: anything else before you ride off?
Inspector Goodfellow: I'm good.
DM: lovebirds?
Constance Stendatem: (AWAY!)
DM: male lovebird?
DM: (lovecock?)
Inspector Goodfellow: (atiel)
DM: Seriously, Adam
DM: are you doing anything?
Ignatius Stendatem: (sorry)
Ignatius Stendatem: (no, I'm good.)
DM: Ok.
DM: As you ride out, it isn't long before you encounter several figures in the distance
DM: Do you follow them?
Inspector Goodfellow: what do they look like
DM: they are too far out
Chris: yeah
Inspector Goodfellow: I can't exactly move silently on a horse
Inspector Goodfellow: so yes, we do
Inspector Goodfellow: and try to catch them quickly
Inspector Goodfellow: or at least I do
DM: As you approach them, they duck into the hills, doing the best they can to elude you
Inspector Goodfellow: I stop, and Alan Quartermaine that shit
DM: ?
Inspector Goodfellow: (Take my time, and take twenty on my shot?)
Inspector Goodfellow: unless I have a limited time to fire
DM: your time is limited
Inspector Goodfellow: I'm imagining a large plain which it actually isn't
DM: it's hills
Inspector Goodfellow: god damn it
Inspector Goodfellow: ok
Inspector Goodfellow: Fine
* Inspector Goodfellow rolls: 1d20 +4 => 12 + 4 = 16
DM: that misses
Inspector Goodfellow: of course
Ignatius Stendatem: Why?
Inspector Goodfellow: Keep chasing I guess?
Chris: gahhhh
Chris: yes
Inspector Goodfellow: this is the general direction that the Xenos ran, and we have literally NO other leads other than the fort
Inspector Goodfellow: which is farther away
DM: You have several leads by now, just sayin, but anyhow...
Ignatius Stendatem: Well, break out your carrots and let's run these guys down.
Inspector Goodfellow: Just don't take fences at an angle
Inspector Goodfellow: the horse won't jump then
Inspector Goodfellow: personal experience
DM: It takes the better part of the day to track the figures down, in a small clearing where they seem to be gathering.
DM: As you approach, they look at you with fright
Ignatius Stendatem: Hello.
DM: One shouts to you, asking what purpose you come for
Inspector Goodfellow: a trade
DM: They look at each other, and accept you
Inspector Goodfellow: DId one of y- us come in to town?
DM: They seem confused at your question
DM: suddenly, a man steps out from a small cave and announces, "It's time, come on in"
Inspector Goodfellow: (Turn to the others)
Inspector Goodfellow: *whispers* play along
Inspector Goodfellow: This is... actually something
Constance Stendatem: Well, let's go.
DM: Ok, this is our stopping point for dinner, resume at 6:00 on the laptop?
Inspector Goodfellow: yup sounds good
Ignatius Stendatem: l
Chris: okay
Ignatius Stendatem: kk